Saturday, February 17, 2007

A World of White

It was a beautiful day. Would have been great for sledding if we had the time. After all those bitterly cold days, it is amazing to see the icicles actually dripping again. Winter really is a very pretty time if you can tolerate frozen fingers and toes.


  1. I agree, there is something very beautiful about it. I like where we live, and would never want to live here (Florida) but it's nice to visit.

  2. You know, yesterday as I was climbing that huge snow pile in the parkinglot to get the photo of the shopping cart - I wasn't cold. Something about snapping pictures makes everything okay. LOL. But, snapping pictures in Fl would be nice too! :)

  3. It was beautiful here, too. I actually went our with my new snow shoes and tried to walk in the deep snow. Not easy!!

  4. It was a good day for skiing :)

  5. I thought about going cross country skiing. I'm afraid I missed a good day to go.
