Take care of yourself," that's what they always say, but what I'd like to know, is what exactly does that mean? Where does the "
take care of yourself" business start, and where does it cross over into self-centeredness? I've had plenty of people tell me, "You're doing a great job," but whether they are referring to my care of my mother or the children who frequent my home, I still have to check my own attitude multiple times a day and smack my selfish ambitions back. It usually works, at least until the next time something selfish pops into my head.

I'm guessing God gave me a pack of children (I'm referring to my own flesh and blood here...) in order to keep me from getting totally out of control with "
taking care of myself" because that is just what I'd really like to do. I'd like to put every ounce of energy and resources into being me and fulfilling my every want and whim, including those "sacrificial moments" of serving and giving that would make me glow in the eyes and opinions of others. The real problem is that I want to set the parameters, and real life seldom works around what I want. Instead real life doles out massive opportunities to set my own desires aside in order to meet the needs of others.
(Are you confused yet? Blame it on those hormones that are gaining momentum and turning my brain to mush.)

Remember the "Golden Rule"? It's Biblical,
"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." Matthew 7:12 (And here I sit listening to the "Emperor's New Groove", the epitome of selfishness wrapped up in a llama...)
So, yeah. I'd like to be doing something other than babysitting and taking care of my mother. I'd like to be doing something other than dishes, laundry, and house cleaning. I'd like to do "something" else, but you know, I don't even have too much of a clue what that "something" is, and I'm guessing it probably wouldn't make me any happier or more fulfilled. Unless maybe it's a nap.
I think I'll go mix up a batch of cookies.
Oh yeah...I hear you. I've tried to improve in this area myself and last November challenged myself to do 30 pampering things in that month that would be considered wonderful guilty pleasures. I really struggled doing 30 of them! haha. I have improved on carving out a little time and doing something just for me....old habits die hard, though. :) I hope you at least sat down with a cup of coffee and enjoyed a cookie or two!
ReplyDeleteI have so very much to be thankful for. God has blessed me incredibly and given me a home where I am able to minister to others (I prayed for this) and yet so often I forget to be grateful. I have a bag of my favorite coffee in the cupboard and a bottle of French vanilla creamer in the fridge. But every once in a while my perspective gets skewed and I start feeling sorry for myself. I'm being good to me. Sometimes I simply forget just how good I've been.
DeleteNo confusion! I think you really tackled a hard subject we all deal with. I think sometimes a cup of coffee and a cookie is a get away. I don't have a house full of children to take care of or a mom to care for...I think every time you can get away in any form is not selfish. I love getting a pedicure once in a while..that a treat I try to give myself every couple of month. My last one was a gift my granddaughter. That was nice.
ReplyDeleteI think taking the dog to a groomer is "taking care of myself". ha ha!
DeleteA cup of coffee and five or six cookies is probably overdoing it, huh?
In caring for others, we often remind ourselves the line that is given during emergency procedures review on every airplane: " ... place the oxygen mask on yourself first before assisting people around you."
ReplyDeleteThe moral being that if you take care of yourself, you are better able to assist others. Sometimes the "oxygen mask" you need is a walk in the woods or a day 'off', but doing something for yourself is vital.
Yes, you are right. A walk in the woods sounds wonderful, but I think maybe I'll walk somewhere else until hunting season is over. :0)
DeleteOxygen is imperative. I will make sure to put my mask on before trying to help others. (I will get enough sleep, I will eat right (or try), I will schedule down time...)
DeleteHa! sleep?, down time?, eat right. Ha!
ReplyDeleteShe's the one with the Oxygen cannulas! Can't ya just sneakl a huff once in a while? U know ," here Mom, Let me comb your hair, oops, the oxygen line is in the way..." Just joking here, If I don't laugh at stuff I will explode. Like a volcano.. just venting is good. Love u.
Well, I did consider giving myself the vitamin B12 injections. ;)
DeleteLast night, for the first time in a year, she asked if she could do my dishes for me. If she regains too much energy I might have to slip her some "sleepy medicine". Wink, wink