Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Farewell 2024

  Farewell 2024...

You were not the year I found my soulmate and fell hopelessly in love... but you were another year in which I learned to let go.

You were not the year of a stamped passport and world travel to far and distant lands... but instead one in which I took a brave and courageous journey home alone.

You were not the year that lead me back to the churches of my childhood... but another year to lead me forging forward on the path of faith.

You were not the year of certainty... but a year in which questions flourished, perspectives widened, and judgement of others faded.

You were not the year that granted all my hopes and dreams... but a cherished moment in time, whispering new and unexpected possibilities.


  1. ...be happy and well and follow your dreams in 2025.

    1. Tom, I don't know why Blogger sometimes tosses your comments into the spam bin. I honestly apologize.

  2. ...enter 2025 making it the best year possible.

  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR MARTHA! I hope 2025 is good to you. You’ve made great progress in your journey. Just remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. It sounds like you had a lovely Christmas too 🥰

    Have a great day!

    Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦

    1. Happy new Year, Marilyn!
      One step at a time, yes? We're going places and making progress. And yes, Christmas was quite lovely!
      Thanks stopping by!

  4. Martha, I love that this new year of 2025 will be a" cherished moment in time, whispering new and unexpected possibilities".
    That is my prayer for all of us.

    1. One never knows what adventure awaits! Now if I could just save up some money for when they opportunity pops up! LOL!
      Love you, Sue!

  5. Martha it looks like you are off to a good start for this New Year. I pray you will be surprised with God goodness, His miracles, His touch on your life. I'm praying 2025 will bring you much joy and happiness no matter what's happening around you. Praying God will hold you in his mighty strong arms. Hugs and Kisses and lots of memories to hold on too.

    1. I can literally feel those hugs and kisses! 2024 wasn't without tears and stress (and a bit of trauma) but it was filled with wonder as well. I am looking forward to His goodness in 2025 as well and much more open to new adventures than ever before!
      Thank you for your love and prayers. You're the best!
