I am beginning the grand, new adventure of quitting Zyrtec and let me tell you, this is going to be agonizing. Not only do I have seasonal allergies, but I deal with terrible itching, which is why I have taken antihistamines long term. Every time I forget a day, I begin to experience intense itching. I could scratch myself raw. I have been known, in the past, to wake up vigorously scratching my feet, ankles or legs. I've had lines and patches of hives left from my fingernails. Just rubbing up against something can get the itching started, something as simple as removing a piece of clothing. Last week I discovered that intense itching is a symptom of withdrawal. I was itching because I was taking the medicine! Oh, boy... It's been two days and it could be three weeks. I tried tapering off the medication a bit last week but even so I am driving myself crazy with the scratching and there is not a part of my being that can't join in the party. (I took a Benadryl this evening in the hope that I'll be able to sleep.)
In other news, better news, my people and I took a trip back to Mendon Ponds this afternoon. Number Nine had several little birds take a seed from his hand and was thoroughly delighted! I love watching to look the of wonder and sheer delight come over the faces of my kids and grandchildren when a chickadee lands on their finger. Even Killian found it amusing.
I had needed a walk in the woods and this outing was absolutely perfect.
When is it supposed to start?
20 minutes ago
That's very interesting Martha. My dearest has been dealing with itching. Some look like rash, some like whelps, and other just like bites. Dermatologist says no cure, use itch cream, She suggested Zyrtec. He has been taking Benedryl. He is much better...but she told him "imbrace it!....haha not easy to do.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get some relief soon!!! Love the pictures.
I've learned that all three of the big allergy medications (Allegra, Claritin,and Zyrtec) can cause intense itching upon discontinuance. I started with Allegra about 20 years ago... Benadryl, thankfully, does not have the same withdrawal symptoms. I'll most likely be taking either Benadryl or NyQuil to help me sleep at night if I need it. Please do not have him take any of the other three medications. This is awful, and yes, they can look like any of those three things; a rash, welts, or bites. A cousin told me it took her three weeks to be free of the itching.
DeleteWanda, I sure don't like the advice of "embracing it" Not satisfactory answer to me.
Oh dear, allergies can be such a problem. I have had adverse reactions to so much medication that I now try to live without it. Unrealistic, and who knows what will happen to me. Love the dear little Chipmonk and the chickadee, make me think of my daughter in Ottawa.
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely feeling the allergies, but at least I know what it is. Medical uncertainties can be disconcerting, but I know Who holds the futures and I know He cares for me. I am doing my best to trust Him. Sometimes it's hard. Yes, the little woodland creatures are the best! One day I'll catch something bigger (deer) but I haven't seen them out yet.
DeleteLove the bird feeding photos and am so sorry about your itching.
ReplyDeleteMy Hubby Dave has experienced severe itching since he was in the care facility recovering from his fractured leg.
Now its not quite so bad but his poor arms and upper chest looked like war wounds. He doesn't take any of those allergy meds but something sure triggered it.
Itching is the pits! I can relate to Job scraping himself with a potshard! Poor Dave! I hope he finds relief.