Wednesday, September 23, 2020

A Solitary Sunday, Sort of...

I didn't go to church Sunday morning. I attempted to listen online, but turned the computer off when the announcements became unbearable long and dry. I decided to listen another time and go out into the world alone for a second day in a row. This time I drove east.

I considered driving all the way to Fair Haven Beach State Park, but changed my mind and headed for Chimney Bluff, which is also now a state park. I didn't bother parking at the top of the bluff, but drove instead to where East Bay Rd falls into the lake. Literally.

It was the perfect day. I walked along the stone beach taking in the scenery. There were many more people than at either of the two parks on Saturday's adventure. I was a single individual in the midst of many.


I sat on the beach, close the water, and looked out over the lake. Two sailboats in the distance caught my attention. Their bottoms looks big and bulky, unlike any sailboat I've ever seen before. I determined to ask my Florida yacht captain friend about them.

I was sitting in the stones at the base of the bluffs when something along the water's edge moved. It was a little, brown frog! It seemed an unusual place to a frog, but there he was just the same. Every now and again a wave would wash over him and I'd have to remind myself that frogs are water animals, unlike the monarch in the lake the previous day.

I struck up a conversation with a barefooted fellow, mostly because his feet were bare. He'd had them in the water and was letting them dry before putting his shoes back on. I was amused. He was friendly enough and I learned several things about the guy, but not his name. I wasn't looking for names, just friendly conversation.

Down the beach was a family of six. Mon was nursing a baby and Dad was stacking rocks. I'd been amused by the barefooted guy, but was intrigued by the "rock star" dad. He was amazing, and was obviously passing his love of the art on to his boys. The rocks they stacked were not simply flat and round. They were professional rock stackers!

After at least two hours lollygagging on the beach below the bluffs, soaking in the sun, and taking in the sights, nature made and urgent call and I headed back to the parking area and rest rooms. 

I found a Youtube video taken last year when the lake levels were higher and the beach much smaller than this year. If you're interested it will show you where I was, along with "the end of the road."


  1. Such beautiful pictures Martha...........they look very peaceful. You sure have a good eye for photography:-)

    Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦

    1. Thank you, Marilyn. I love to capture the beauty around me.
      It was a beautifully peaceful weekend.

  2. Delightful...
    I like the way you had "Church" on Sunday.
    Sometimes that's the very best kind of day.
    Love the Rock stars too.

    1. It was the very best kind of day, although I can't say I've had any "bad" days lately. I am feeling so much more peace these days. Life isn't so scary anymore.
      Aren't those Rock Stars great?

    2. God is SO, So Good..
      He truly restores the years the locust have eaten..
      Love you, even though I have never actually met you..
      Have a great week..

  3. Absolutely love the pictures. Since I LOVE the ocean, and can't get there (My dearest, Covid, etc. My dearest put speakers in the living room so I can hear the CD of the ocean waves and sea gulls. I love it.

    1. Our lake is like an ocean in many ways. It's unpredictable, driven by the wind, and too big to see across. And it's beautiful. I do hope you are able to visit the ocean again soon. I love that Your Dearest has set you up with the sound of the waves. He's quite a guy!

    2. Wow, your Dearest is truly the Dearest.
      How thoughtful to put up the speakers in the room . Those sounds will continue to fill your Home with Peace and Joy.

  4. I like those rock star rock stackers and how the dad is passing on his hobby to his sons.

    1. Me too! I typically come upon already stacked rocks, but it was fabulous to watch the stackers in action, and especially to see it was a family affair.
