It's almost time to get ready for work again. I hope my dear friend is in better spirits today than I found her on Monday and Tuesday. Patience is not in her vocabulary, especially when it comes to sitting in the dining room. She prefers to be in one position, prone, and preferably on her bed. On Monday she told the nurse I was making her feel like a

dunce... Perhaps because I asked her "what did I just tell you?" after she'd asked for the umpteenth time if we could leave the dining room so she could go to bed. (Thankfully, my hands-off position prevents me from helping her in and out of chairs, to the toilet, or back into bed.) I was trying a different than usual tactic, which obviously was counterproductive. Well, now I know. Yesterday I calmly, and repeatedly, told her it isn't time to leave yet, we've not been here even an hour, we have to wait for our transport, there are other people in front of us in line, the bus hasn't come, the aide is busy, no, it isn't time yet, in a few minutes, it's almost time, and soon. I also tried saying we should just relax and enjoy the company, I haven't finished my dinner yet, I'm still drinking my coffee, and how about a little tea? Nothing works. Not for me and not for the aide who cares for the other woman at our table. Yesterday she asked me if I ever think about anyone else. (I almost laughed again.) And then she wanted to know why I was being "so pissy". Oh, dear... Good thing I'm not taking it all to heart. Honestly, I guess I have learned to look forward to the quiet of the afternoon when I put a CD in the player and all is quiet and still and she is settled. Yesterday I found two great instrumental CD's at Goodwill for $.99 each! How cool is that?
Last evening, while my friend was in her recliner, anther resident stopped in to visit and take a little nap in her bed. Too funny. She soon woke up and wandered off again.
(Yes, Linda, I have been practicing my crocheting skills while I sit. I'm making something purple.)