As I said on Facebook, I am getting my ducks in a row. I've talked to those for whom I babysit, gone for a drug screening, found and established myself with a new doctor, and had blood drawn for several titers. We're checking for immunities to measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, and hepatitis B. Fun stuff.

I had chicken pox when I was 2 months old. My brother Dan kindly shared the virus with Tim and me. Tim was
"plastered" according to my dad's diary. Mom said they were in his mouth and down his throat as far as she could see. I was blessed with a light case and it was said that I'd be sure to get them again, but when my sisters and friends were down, I stayed healthy. The same was true when my own children broke out in spots.

When I was a few months shy of four years old, I came down with the mumps. I actually remember my mom feeling the sides of my throat and neck, and talking about "the mumps." Because of the memory, I asked her about me having them once but found she had forgotten all about it. Yet there it is on the back of my birth notice in Mom's handwriting, "Mumps- January 10, 1968" right under "Chicken Pox- May 21, 1964."
My brothers both had the measles before I was born. I had the vaccine but Mom hadn't written the date, and when I was in kindergarten in 1969, they herded us all upstairs to the nurse's office a class at a time where we were injected with the German measles vaccine. I remember it well because, not only did it feel weird to be taken upstairs in a line and given a shot, but I jumped when they put the needle in the first time, so I got a second dose.
I think I'm all set to start my class on Monday morning. Rearranging my sleep and rising times should be interesting, but having an actual reason to be up and out of the house early will be a great incentive. I'm trying to be calm and not stress out. Breathe deep, exhale... breathe deep, exhale...
Anyway, after this morning's appointment I came home to a quiet, empty house and wished for someone to meet for lunch. My wish was granted a short time later when the phone rang and I heard My Darling's voice on the other end of the line. The sun was shining bright, it felt like spring, and was a beautiful day to go out together.