Mom has been struggling lately with nose bleeds. She goes through more tissues than usual, drips onto the floor and her clothing, and often makes a mess of her sheets and pillow cases. Whether the bleeding is anterior or posterior, I do not know, I only know that they are becoming a nuisance to both of us, and therefore I have finally called the doctor and made an appointment. I'm not thrilled to be headed to the doctor on my only real day off, but what can I do? I keep trying to remember the words I read in "It's Not About Me" (Max Lucado) while I was visiting my son in Minnesota; "The
brevity of life grants power to abide, not an excuse to bail. Fleeting
days don’t justify fleeing problems. Fleeting days strengthen us to
endure problems."
"This too shall pass..." Didn't that used to be my life motto? When I woke up to wet sheets or a bed full of puke, when my kids fought nonstop, when my head was throbbing and the baby was sick... Somewhere along the way I have forgotten that no test or trial lasts forever. I no longer wash wet sheets, my children have grown, and there is no crying child when headaches throb; and even headaches are fleeting in the bigger picture.
Rocky has employed Grandma as resident storybook reader. As Grandma read "Curious George" or "Chrysanthemum", Rocky watches for nosebleeds and runs to get some tissues if need be. Reading is good for Grandma, and so are the company and questions of a small child...
On Monday we will see Mom's general practitioner about the nosebleeds. On Tuesday she has a different appointment, one that will hopefully help me gain a better understanding of what is happening in her mind. *sigh*
Check your thyroid lab results. It’s important.
5 hours ago
Nosebleeds are no fun. I hope you two find some kind of answer for this. is she on any kind of blood thinner that might be dosed a little too high?
ReplyDeleteShe is on Warfarin but it is managed by monthly blood draws. These nosebleed episodes have been getting more frequent. I hope we find an answer too.
DeleteTracy, I have been thinking about it some more, and the nose bleeds are most severe on the days after she has taken the larger dose of blood thinner. That will be something to tell the doctor tomorrow.
DeleteTaylor and Spencer are my nose bleeders. :) The best thing for them is coating the inside of their nose with Neosporin and actually the walmart generic kind works best. Hope you get some help on Monday!
ReplyDeleteMe too. It is frustrating for her as well as us. And messy. :P
DeleteI will try and call you tomorrow to find out how things are.
ReplyDeleteWe'll be out for another appointment for a while.
DeleteShe had her nose cauterized this afternoon and they have decreased her Warfarin dosage. Hopefully the nose bleeds are now a thing of the past.