The week isn't over yet, but it has been both full and exhausting. I skipped my ABC Wednesday post this week. I just didn't have the train of thought to write, even though "infant" and "infection" both start with the letter I. Perhaps I will catch up next week and post double letters. It's happened before.
Seeing as it's Thursday and my brain is more into thinking snippets than complete thoughts, a Thursday Thirteen for you all...
Thirteen Things I May Have Accomplished This Week

1. I went to see a movie with My Darling on Sunday afternoon,
"The Odd Life of Timothy Green". It made me cry and I thought it was a cute movie with some good lessons.
2. Hannah and I babysat 3 small children on Monday. They were all very active and determined, and kept us on our toes. The best part of it was Vinnie asking me to pick him up and then wrapping his little arms around my neck and giving me a snuggle; cheek on mine or head on my shoulder. I soaked it up and it was wonderful!
3. I went to the nursing home with James for the first time in months and months. I couldn't help but be blessed when they sang "The Old Rugged Cross". It has become the group theme song. You should see the smiling faces when they sing it! Sadly we are now without a guitar player on Monday evenings. I don't know what we'll do.
4. Ladies' Prayer and Bible Study. It gets me through the week and I do my best to be there. I love how God has been answering prayers in some of the most unexpected ways.
5. James and I went to see Bethany and the baby in the hospital up in Rochester. I somehow misplaced my purse between leaving Rachel's house and my time in Bethany's room. I knew I had it on the way to the city, but it wasn't anywhere we looked. We double checked the van, the Special Care Nursery, and then went back to Beth's room where James discovered it hidden underneath a sheet and bedspread tucked in the corner of a chair.
6. I called my son Tuesday evening to let him know about his nephew's infection, and he called back a little while later to see if we could watch the kids so he and Leta could visit Beth. We spent the evening on the living room floor playing cars, Duplos, play food and dishes... Needless to say we all went to bed exhausted.
7. I tried to clean and succeeded in some areas. Too bad houses don't stay dusted and vacuumed, dishes don't stay done, and laundry doesn't fold itself.
8. I cleaned the goldfish bowl. This is a major accomplishment. If you had seen how gross it was, you would know what I mean.
9. Last night we visited Beth and the baby at another Rochester hospital where they were transferred early Wednesday morning. It was my first time in the N.I.C.U. at Strong. The baby looked comfortable which was a big change from Tuesday afternoon.
10. I have answered many questions and sent several emails to those asking about Beth and the baby. Today most inquiries were answered with my blog address. I hope that's okay.
11. Rocky has been here with us each day. We still give her plenty of love, feed her lunch, and listen to her two year old stories. She helps keep me on a schedule.
12. I have answered several phone inquiries from people looking for a before and after school sitter. (My neighbor is retiring.) I think I can handle putting a few kids on and off the school bus as long as I have the rest of the day free most of the time.
13. Naps. I think I got one yesterday, and I think I might be sleeping better at night, although this is a hard week to tell. I am drinking decaf in the morning now in the hope that I might actually sleep at night. I suppose the next thing to try might be staying off the computer after 9:30 or 10 pm. Or perhaps I should try Melatonin instead. :)
Jim and Michele will be here tomorrow afternoon, so somewhere in the midst of all this I need to make up two beds and find my vacuum cleaner. A couple apple pies might be nice too.