I slept a little later than usual this morning,... or was it that I stayed in the tub a little longer? Either way I left the house later than I had intended. Hannah and I checked a few stores for clothing but came out empty handed. We went to the bank and made a deposit for Ben, and then decided to use my Panera Bread gift card and had some lunch together. It was much too early to go grocery shopping, even if we were out of milk, so we headed over to Grandma's house.

It was a two-fold visit. Leta was planning to go clean a house and needed a babysitter, and I didn't want my mom to sit alone in her house another day. Mom and I sat at the dining room table. We read the newspaper, we repeated some her childhood stories, we did a crossword puzzle. We listened to CD's with Dad's music. I held Simon. He fell asleep on my lap and melted my heart. Hannah took a nap on the couch. Mom checked the mailbox. At three thirty I asked Mom if she had eaten any lunch. I made her some soup and brought her some crackers and peanut butter. Lucas woke up from his nap and I fed him some peaches. He played hide and seek with Hannah and I went out to look in the garage. I found my grandpa's old Bible in a box. Leta returned around five o'clock and Hannah and I headed for the store again. Upon my return home I found myself extremely tired after a day of inactivity. I'm pretty sure I'm most tired on the days where I sit all day rather than those where I am up and about.
I very much agree with that. Although the inactivities that you did today were very worthwhile:-) What a wonderful daughter and grandmother you are. I will be using you as an example when I start to collect grandchildren.
ReplyDeleteKnow wonder you wanted to "hit the hay" last night.
ReplyDeleteBut sounds like a most productive day with Mom.
Wrong KNOW, should have been NO!
ReplyDeleteGrandpa's Bible was in the garage in a box? Why? I'm glad you found it. I'm also glad you spent the afternoon with Mom. I talked to her again today about Baywinde and showed her the outside because I brought her here for an hour or so. I had to bring her back home because I forgot to bring the thingy that fits on her big oxygen tank. :\ Anyway, she was asking about the price again, and thinks its too much money.
ReplyDeleteI always feel so energized on the days I get a lot done. Then, on the days I think I am just going to rest and catch up, I drag. Your day sounded full to the brim!