Friday, July 31, 2009

Blueberries and Butterflies

The picking is still good but is slowing down. I can't believe the berries I have picked this summer. I have a freezer full and have given away a bunch too. We will be enjoying blueberries for many days to come.

Jasmine came home to visit yesterday afternoon and spent the night. She is a wandering dog these days and seldom stays home for more than a day or two at a time, but yesterday evening she hung around and kept me company out in the patch while I picked berries. She ate a few bird-pecked ones, relaxed a bit, and went along with me when I returned to the house. Tonight she is gone again.

It has been nice to have a little bit of summer these past two weeks, to feel the sunshine and gather up some pink on my arms and face. Yesterday I saw this wounded butterfly flitting about my Gooseneck blossoms. It appears to be missing the tails from the lower part of it's wings but flew about as if nothing was amiss. I have yet to see any Monarchs on my milkweed but I haven't been paying especially close attention.

The busy weekend has just begun. Tonight we attended a 30th birthday celebration for my friend Sherri. The tables set up in her backyard were just beautiful. Tomorrow afternoon is another birthday party, this one for a friend of Hannah and then a wedding in the evening. (Bethany's friend is getting married.) To top it off is the church baptism picnic on Sunday afternoon. I'll be tired come Monday!


  1. full and fun weekend sounds like.
    We are going to a picnic with T. and hers today. They are hiking and swimming at Lewisville park, I have posted that place numerous times. Oh well, I'll probably post it again. :)

  2. What a neat picture of Jasmin and the blueberry bush. Also the Butterfly.

    Today is a BD party day. Our granddaughter, Monique (21) and her Dad's brother Bob (40) so we are having a duel party tonight at Michel's. Hope to get some pictures. Will also get a chance to love on the Issac and Matthew.


  3. Love the new header picture, adorable!
    Hope you're not tired yet!
