Thursday, July 31, 2008
A Little Bit Blue
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Baby Days
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sun Shiners
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunny Summer Sunday
PS. Check out "Nate Stuff" if you'd like to see some of the photos from El Salvador.)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Friday, July 25, 2008
We Like Sheep
The tree laying on the ground in the first photo is one that My Darling will be milling up sometime in the next month. It is laying in the sheep pasture of an area Bed and Breakfast. The sheep were fascinating. They don't know us and put up quite the racket as they ran across the yard to a "safer" spot. I think I just may look into visiting this place as a field trip someday. Baaaah!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Red Clover
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Church Picnic
Rachel and Dave, I have your hot sauce!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, Saturday
Tonight, for the first time since July 3, we have all three of our remaining children in our home for the night. Trips out of the country and time at camp are over and things should soon settle back into "normal", whatever that is. This evening we celebrated Hannah's birthday with pizza and ice cream sandwiches.
My poor feet are feeling rather tired and achy as I have let them escape from the loving support of my tennis shoes several times this past week. Sometimes the choice between hot feet and achy feet is difficult and when the weather is sweltering, I often choose air over no foot and leg pain. What I need is a nice long foot massage...
Friday, July 18, 2008
A Teenager!
... I once turned thirteen...
I was getting ready for school that second day of spring in 1977 when the telephone rang. It was for me. "Strange," I thought, "who would be calling me before school?" I can't recall much of the conversation that morning but the caller turned out to be a DJ, "Ferdinand Jay", from one of the local radio stations. Seems one of my friends had called in and let them know it was my big day. I wasn't sure whether to be pleased or thoroughly embarrassed at being on the radio before school, but I did leave home with a smile on my face. Even the Vice Principal's son had heard it on the radio. There was a mystery attached to that early morning call. Who was the friend that called the radio station in the first place? I had no clue and it wasn't until months later, maybe even a year, before I learned that it was my dear, Jehovah's Witness friend, Elena, who had made the call.
So anyway, Hannah is spending her second birthday in a row at OBC. She didn't mind turning twelve away from home and I'm sure she'll get plenty of attention today too. Bethany mailed her a package and her friend, Kara, who has celebrated almost all of Hannah's other birthdays with her, is also at camp. Today I am going to see if I can find her another yellow shirt like the one in the photograph. It's her favorite and somehow got spots on it in the wash. Dont'cha hate that?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A Little Cheese...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Keeping My Eyes Open
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Walkin' the Dog
We Will Continue (when it ends)
The water in the showers must have been around 70 degrees farenheidt. I could hardly breathe when I took a shower. There were many inconveniences and a few of us got sick, myself included. On Wednesday we went to a pool with the boys and that's the day I was sick. The ride was a bumpy one so that didn't help. We got to the pool, I prayed with one of the adults of our group, subsequently vomited, and then was fine so I got to swim after all.
Most of us (of the teens in our group) got attached to at least one of the orphans. Roman got attached to Angel, and so did Chrissy, Matt got attached to Alex (conveniently, Matt has a brother named Alex), Gina got attached to Victor, Chelsie to Emerson (they share birthdays), and I to Kevin.
I first saw Kevin while we were playing frisbee the first night. He came up to watch us play and stood there for a couple minutes. I knew that he was the one the Lord wanted me to reach out to on the trip. I waited until I got the frisbee again then threw it to him. Later on while we were playing soccer, he came up to me, gave me a hug, and tried to tell me his name. At first I thought he was saying "Gabing" but later I heard Lora call him "Kevin" and Tandrian explained the pronunciation to me (Tandrian is the one who spoke fluent Spanish). When I told Kevin my name he couldn't pronounce it so eventually I ended up with the name "Nick" to all the orphans, and "Nick Junior" exclusively to Kevin. All this in spite of trying to get them to call me by my middle name, "Daniel." Kevin and I became best buds even though we had no idea what the other would say.
The night before we left we all watched a movie together -- "The Climb," A Billy Graham movie. It also was in Spanish so I tried to guess the story just by the picture and little words I'd picked up on. Kevin was leaning on my lap for the latter portion of the movie, and when it was over he wrapped his arms around my neck for upwards of five minutes.
The day of our departure we took some group photos, of us, of the boys, and combined. About a half an hour before we officially left Kevin disappeared. I searched him out thinking I couldn't leave without saying goodbye. "Donde es Kabveen?" I asked the other kids, but nobody knew. I finally found him on his bunk crying. I got him down and carried him outside to say "goodbye." He gave Max, and Chelsie, and me a hug, and then I felt it... "Oh no!" I said to Chelsie, then I started crying too. I was doing fine up to that point but then...
All in all this trip was well worth it and I'd go back in a heartbeat -- sickness, ant attacks, and all.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Lakeshore Adventures
El Salvador - A post from "Nick Junior"

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Going Round in Circles
On Friday I will return once again, first to meet some friends, and then to bring my daughter back home. When I see her again she will have turned into a teenager. Her birthday is Friday.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Sodus Point
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Off My Rocker?
Grandma's Off Her Rocker!
In the dim and distant past,
When life's tempo wasn't fast,
Grandma used to rock and knit,
Crochet, tat and baby sit.
When we were in a jam,
We could always count on gram.
In the age of gracious living,
Grandma's life was one of giving.
Now grandma's at the gym,
Exercising to keep slim,
She's off touring with the bunch,
Or taking all her friends to lunch.
Driving north to fish or hike,
Taking time to ride her bike.
Nothing seems to block or stop her,
Now that grandma's off her rocker.
Author Unknown
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
A Little Bit of Music
Judi recently tagged me for a music meme but without Nathan in the house I don't hear much music. Nathan is the "Music Man" around here. Several years ago he learned to play the guitar and now he is teaching himslef to play the piano. Now if only he could read music. (I apologize for the sideways video.)
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Meeting Gudl
This afternoon I had the privilege of meeting one of my blog friends in person. What a great experience. It was nothing like meeting a stranger, more like meeting up with an old friend. We shared tea and cake while the kids devoured a box of assorted donut holes and then took turns riding M.'s pony (the kids, not us).
Monday, July 07, 2008
Back in the Day

My husband has always been somewhat hesitant to let go of his children. I was once reluctant to send the kids to camp, but for a different reason. I needed the break from the kids and they needed time away, I just wasn't sure OBC was the right place to send them...
Once upon a time two sets of parents decided their daughters should go to camp, so off they drove to a little old Christian camp on the shore of Lake Ontario. (Did I mention it was "old"? My mother's aunt and uncle owned a cottage there! ) My sister Priscilla and our pastor's daughter Tori spent a week at OBC in 1979. We had not been impressed with the "dirty, rundown old camp" back then, so I wasn't sure about sending my own kids 15 years later. To my surprise, my own children came home loving OBC and have begged to go back every year since.