This afternoon after lunch Hannah and I took Troy and went to the farm market for a bushel of apples. I like this partcular stand because they sell a bushel of apples for $10. I can buy a whole bushel of one kind or mix the varieties. I usually mix them and then can't tell which is which when I get home. Today I bought 20 Ounce, Jonagolds, and Empire apples. The 20 Ounce are great for baking, the Empires for eating, and the Jonagold for either. We also have some little apples on our own trees. I have no idea what kind they are but they are shaped a little like a Red Delicious. This year they're perfect size for kids to eat.
Since today is Thursday and I haven't yet compiled my list of things I've learned, I'll give you a list of apples instead...
1. 20 Ounce- Great big red/green colored apples great for baking pies.
2. McIntosh- soft little apple that's great to put in lunchboxes.
3. Red Delicious- dark red with a dry flesh, not my favorite
4. Golden Delicious- a yellow apple that tastes much better than Red Delicious
5. Honey Crisp- a very expensive variety
6. Cortland- red and tart
7. Granny Smith- another green apple that is good in pies
8. Rhode Island Greenings- a very green apple that is used for sauce and baking
9. Crispin- Big yellow apples that I like to feed small children during the winter
10. Macoun- nice sweet apple... should've got someof those...
11. Idared- one Dad used to buy
12. Ginger Gold- hard to tell from Golden Delicious
13. Gala- an apple with a happy name, kids like them!
Pass the pies, please!