I posted this in February of 2006 and then deleted it when I cleaned out my entries. I've decided to repost it for today's Thursday Thirteen...
Thirteen Things About My Mom
1. She loves Jesus and always took us to church when were little and she went too.
2. She has been married to my dad for over 50 years!
3. She has five children and 13 grandchildren (and may I add she is expecting her first great-grandchild).
4. She has lived in the same house for over 45 years.
5. She is the little girl with blonde curls in these photos.
6. She enjoys camping.
7. She likes to watch The Antique Roadshow but will fall asleep watching just about anything else.
8. She did daycare in her home for many, many years and all the kids loved her.
9. She didn't buy us Kool-Aide because she said it was nothing but sugar, but she did buy Hi-C and gingerale.

10. She didn't let us get away with much.
11. Her birthday is in August.
12. She broke her elbow when she was a little girl. She was running to see her new baby cousin and fell down.
13. She never got a driver's license.