Today is my baby sister's 38th birthday. (How did she get so "old" already?) Don't worry, Rachel, no matter how old you get, you'll always be my "baby" sister. And because I love you so much, here are some of my memories of you.
1. As a toddler you got lost in Sears . Since you were unable to say who you were, the woman on the speaker was only able to describe you, "a little girl with curly, red hair wearing..." Funny we never thought of your hair as red, just slightly strawberry blond.
2. You were once kindergartener walking down the school hallway wearing a white blouse with pink cherries and matching pink pants. You had long "strawberry" blond hair in a ponytail. I remember thinking what a pretty little girl you were.
3. Then there was unforgettable event of you startling the woman coming out of the Ladies' bathroom when we were camping (you thought it was us) and her saying, "I didn't think that was very funny, actually!" We thought it hilarious!
4. I recall thinking you got away with things and were spoiled because you were the youngest. (Isn't that just typical for an older sibling? I know better now.)
5. I remember passing several of my babysitting jobs on to you as I got older and you grew old enough for the jobs.
6. How about how you teased and laughed at my kids, especially Jim and Dave, when they were really little. I told you that when you had kids it would be my turn to torment them. (No wonder you never trusted me to babysit!)
7. What a beautiful bride you were and what a wonderful time we all had at your wedding. (Who married the Butt-head. you or Dave?) Thank you so much for including us in the wedding party and celebration.
8. I remember when you turned 30 and I thought "oh no, my baby sister is turning 30, I must be getting old!" It was harder to see you turn 30 than it was for me to reach that wonderful age.
9. I had always hoped to share the joy of having children with my sisters. I was so glad to find out you were pregnant with Steven when I was with Ben.
10. Finally, I have loved becoming friends as adults. It's a whole new experience from what we knew as children. I remember you being born, but I don't ever remember being without you. You are one of my few "forever friends". Thanks for being there!
Happy Birthday! I love you!