Sunday, May 28, 2006

It's a Dirty Job

Well, Bethany had a hankoring to get her hands dirty this afternoon, so she came over to help me with some gardening. The job had been starting to look a little bit overwhelming and I was glad for an eager helper. Since Beth was out there to help me, everyone else's curiousty was aroused and we soon had a few more helping hands. We were able to finish planting almost everything except the corn,which will be going in very soon. Now if I can only be more diligent about watering this garden than I was with the peas which seem to have stopped growing altogether. This time we made mostly raised beds to plant in. The idea here is that the roots of the plants will have more room and that will produce healthier plants. I hope it works because this was a big job. Beth is planning to get some onion sets and maybe some garlic too. I'd also like to put in some winter squash and pumpkins. It is a big garden, I hope I can keep up with it.


  1. Wow, that is big! But remember dad's when we were growing up? He had 2 of them for a while. I still remember him picking those big, juicy tomato worms off and stepping on them. YUCK! It was nice having a garden, always plenty of veggies to eat. Even Katie liked the green bean section. Does Jasmine fancy green beans too?

  2. It looked very nice when I walked down there today to take a look!

  3. I'm glad to have helped... now I fell like I can also partake!
