Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Big 5-0

It's been a wild weekend and in the midst of it all I had a birthday. I have successfully managed my way back to forty. Birthdays are more fun now that I've been counting backward for five years. Not sure how I'll handle it next time, but 39 sounds like a good age to end up.

Saturday morning I got up early and met my sister Priscilla for a pancake breakfast and maple sugaring demonstration at a "nearby" nature center. Hannah went along and we took our little friend Vinnie who stayed with us for the weekend. There is nothing quite so yummy on pancakes than real maple syrup.

Late in the afternoon James took me out to a movie and dinner. We saw "God's Not Dead" and ate a nice little Chinese restaurant. I thought that was it for the birthday celebration, but this afternoon my kids and sisters showed up for a party. The chocolate cake that was missing yesterday miraculously appeared with Bethany making my birthday complete.

This evening we took our small friend back home to his grandma. The house is quiet and the toys are temporarily put away...


  1. Happy Birthday day again. Today our oldest, Michel celebrate 50 something...She's counting backwards too. HaHa. By the time you get to the 70's you're bragging about it!! HaHa.

    1. Yeah, I suppose so. :0)
      Happy Birthday to Michel!
      Counting backward makes it all a game. What's hard is actually writing the number on a legal document for the first time. It'll be easier the next time, I'm sure.


    Linda :o)

  3. Happy, Happy day to you! Glad you got to do all kinds of fun little celebrations on your special day! You are loved!

    1. It was a very nice weekend and now I am exhausted! ha ha
