Monday, June 10, 2013

Fishing Weather

If I were a real fisherman, this past week would have been wonderful! I'm pretty sure I'd have caught at least a bucketful in
this dark, cool, rainy weather.  I'd get out my favorite rain hat (if I had one...), put on my biggest raincoat (if I had one...), get out my most comfy folding chair (I have one...), and head down to the lake or one of those fine tributaries around here. There are plenty of worms laying about (there must be, though I haven't really looked...) and a fishing pole or two in the barn. But, I've not been out fishing, even though I think fishing in the rain seems the perfect plan. Shoot! I haven't even walked in the rain yet.

PS. Photo courtesy of one fine family member.


  1. Do you need a tackle box? I brought home a pretty green one from the auction trash. :)

    1. :) My very own tackle box! I wonder what I'd put in one of those?

  2. Another witty post, Martha!!
    I think you would put "tackle" in the "tackle box"...hahaha!

    Linda :o)

    1. Yes, I suppose you are correct.
      How about that there fisherperson, eh?

    2. Kinda scary!!!
      Your Fancy schmansy list is getting a lot of check marks!!!
