Sunday, June 09, 2013

Happy Post

I need a happy, upbeat kind of post...

Maybe tomorrow I will paint my toes and join Betsy's pedicure party.
I shall mail in the form I filled out for a summer pottery class.
If it doesn't rain again, I shall cut a bit of grass and pluck a weed or two from my gardens.
Perhaps I shall play a game of "Monkeys" with Sofie. (She knows all Beanie Babies as "monkeys" and likes to chase them across the floor.)
And, of course, I shall wash, dry, and fold, a mountain of laundry. Maybe even two!


  1. Replies
    1. Well, so far I have succeeded in washing and folding a bunch of laundry, and mailing in the form to register for the pottery class. Sofie's probably still up for game of "Monkeys", but that can happen at a moment's notice.

  2. Now I see the White Woodlands!! Awesome!
    Aren't they such a sweet plant...and evergreen as well!!
    I also did laundry...not a mountain...but a small hill!!!
    I also played with Vivian!!

    Linda :o)
