Thursday, September 06, 2012

Congratulations Are in Order

My son is getting married!

Yes, my son did just get married this summer and it was a wonderful wedding, a great celebration, but this is a different son and  new wedding.

My oldest son lives in Minneapolis and he is getting married. I was excited at the prospect of going to Minnesota for a wedding, but there is a very real possibility the wedding might take place here instead. This is due to the fact that my mother cannot travel and we have a "somewhat large" family without  a lot of money for vacations and such. It really might be a wonderful blessing to have the wedding here.

Ah, maybe Hannah and I can go to Minnesota on our next road trip. :)


  1. Congratulations on a wedding... I was thinking a baby HaHa...that's coming too.....More celebrations at your house.

  2. Congratulations!!! Wonderful news!

  3. Ooo, now wouldn't that be nice to have another NY wedding... I wonder how Michele feels about that. We'll soon find out, I'm sure! So exciting. :)

  4. Well, Beth, Michele was there when I was talking to Jim. I don't think he would tell me about the possibility if they hadn't already been talking. They are mostly thinking about Grandma.

  5. That would be really nice! I had mentioned to Dave that Mom wouldn't be able to go, and that made me sad. I'm looking forward to another wedding!...but 1st, hurry up, Fred!

  6. Truthfully, I want to go to Minnesota.

  7. Congratulations to Jim! We're happy for him and his future wife. Look at your family grow :)

  8. That would be most exciting!!! I definitely think that should be the next roadtrip for you and Hannah!! I am so happy for Jimmy!!

  9. I'm a little disappointed to hear that. I actually was planning on going to Minnesota and looking forward to it.
