Friday, September 24, 2010

Bob Frapplez

It has been a busy week and I am ready to sleep in a little tomorrow morning. This afternoon my neighbor brought over two bushels of apples. They're Macintosh drops, "good for making applesauce" he says. I thought they looked good for making cider but since we no longer have a means to grind the apples, we started the job of washing, peeling, cutting, and cooking. There is now a big, bubbling pot of applesauce on the stove. It took a half bushel of apples. Looks like I will be washing, peeling, cutting, and cooking tomorrow too... maybe.

It was a summer day in September, about 90 degrees. Felt like July.


  1. I think I could smell that Applesauce!

    Do you ever stop....busy little bee with all your wonderful homemade goodies.

    Hope you can sleep in tomorrow!

  2. Oh yum!! Homemade applesauce is so good!
