Friday, June 15, 2007

Why Halo There!

Late this morning I received a phone call from my son, Josiah "Why this is unusual," I thought to myself. He doesn't typically call during the middle of a work day. "Have you seen the sun?" he asked. "The Williamson Sun?" I said. But no, he meant the sun, up there in the sky, shining brightly, not our small hometown newspaper. "Why?" I asked him. I took my camera outside and tried to look up at the rainbow encircling the almost noon sun. "Bad for my eyes" I thought. I aimed the camera and clicked the shutter. Pretty cool photo aside from the fact that I couldn't get far enough away to capture the entire halo.


  1. Exclamation!! What does that mean, I mean Meteologicaly, like in what weather thingy caused it?

  2. It has to do with ice crystals in the atmosphere.

  3. I was just checking to see about reading another "kids story" but no one has written any for a while...I miss them..I love some of the stories that your children have written...they have great insigh and great imagination and a wonderful way of putting it all together and making it right some interesting eh!..big hugs..a woman who loves you muchly!

  4. and spells and punctuates whenever she wants...I should put a warning on my writing..."not for children" as I suppose I am a very bad example of gooood writing..I obvously don't read what I write or if I have I have always just deleted get what you get..and delete where you you anyway...yoma

  5. Cool! I never think to look up at the sun to see what it might look like. Haha, that sounds funny!

  6. That is really neat. I saw a double rainbow a few weeks ago. I wish I would've had my camera.

  7. I love people who write like they talk! Do ya put periods and commas in speech? Naw! So even in the summer ya got your ice crystals up state! :o)

  8. I heard about this on the news but never did see it myself. Thanks for the picture!
