Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day is Done

It has been a rather sleepy couple of days. I'm not sure what has gotten into me but that nap this afternoon sure did feel good. (So did yesterday's) My boys have finished weeding around the blueberry bushes and the patch is looking so much better. Hopefully we will be able to maintain what has been done and keep those weeds from taking over again. (A robin was having a great time catching dinner down there late this afternoon.) I think the weeds have the upper hand when it comes to the flower gardens. There are just too many for me to keep up with. Maybe I should just plant grass and forget the flowers... nah, I guess I'll just have to learn to tolerate the weeds instead.


  1. Martha these are beautiful!! What are they??

  2. Ummm... I'm a little confused at to what they are actually called. They're like little pansies. I think they're Johnny-jump-ups or Violas but this is a different color than we usually see.

  3. They are very pretty. I love their happy little faces.

  4. Violas... I planted some a few years ago and they seem to come back once in a while. I love them too, they are my favorite.

  5. Okay, violas, yes they are a different color than the ones I am use to, if Beth planted them no wonder they are special :)

  6. Beth plants special things but these violas are special because Dave planted them.

  7. Nice! Hopefully that Robin was eating slugs so you won't have to dona flashlight and jar full of saltwater some night! Yuck!

  8. Good ole Dave. Thanks to him for the pretty flowers.

  9. So they have a fragrance?

  10. Yes, they do have a fragrance. I have to get rather close to smell them but they do have a rather pretty smell. Reminds me slightly of a rose, but not quite the same.

  11. Very pretty violas. I'm sorry the pollen has gotten you down. A good rain would be most welcome to wash it away! I was so proud of myself for getting my weeding all caught up. Now I need to start over in the 1st bed again.

  12. Looks like a little flower classroom and everyone has a different expression on their tiny faces...Beautiful shot! and flowers
