Friday, June 01, 2007

It Was Zooey

The zoo was... well, a zoo! Ben, Hannah, and I rode to Buffalo with Shelly and Jessi for an afternoon of picture taking. I woke up with a stabbing pain in my left shoulder blade this morning but I made it through the day with a little help from the makers of Advil. (What would we do without painkillers?)
We had an interesting time trying to find the zoo entrance. Let's just say we rather unnecessarily took the long way. The zoo was rather crowded with small children on field trips but they didn't stay too long after our arrival. I would have rather taken photos of them but we set out to capture the animals instead. Some of them posed quite nicely and others were just plain difficult. I do like these two shots.


  1. Cool, I bet you are exausted! Good pictures, the bear looks hungry, or is that hung over?

  2. I have remarkably similar pix! Will post soon. :)

  3. I just blew this up, I wouldn't want to do his toe nails!

  4. I like the pictures. Makes me want to go to the zoo.

  5. He looks like a giant teddy bear...but I'm sure he wouldn't be very cuddly with those long claws and sharp teeth.

  6. I haven't been to the Buffalo Zoo sine the early 90's. Do they still have Zebras? Lots like you had a great day.

  7. Oh, you went to Buffalo??? How fun! Now I realy wish I could've gone... I though you were going to Seneca Zoo.
