Tuesday, May 22, 2007

More of Springtime

The warmer weather is making a comeback. It's time to get my gardens in before its too late. Bethany brought me a Clematis for Mother's day. I need to get it planted too but first I need a trellis of some kind to grow it on.

Our white lilacs are blooming now too. It looks just like a popcorn bush to me. All I need is to pick a big bowl and melt some butter...
This morning James fixed our lawn tractor, which had been out of order for the past week. Ben spent the better part of the day cutting the grass. The yard is looking much more civilized tonight. Maybe we'll go visit Rachel tomorrow.


  1. Those white lilacs do look like popcorn! I may visit mom and dad early in the morning before they head out to the nursing home for their service. I think they have to leave by 10:30 or so, so I'll be home by 11:00 at the latest.

  2. Hey, maybe you should bring some pictures you want to scrapbook!

  3. It was a lovely day outside. Unfortunately I was inside for the better part of the day!! But I still like knowing that it's nice out! :)

  4. Beautiful flowers! I love the white lilac and blue sky.

  5. Garden update please, did you decide to go big, or cut down? I like white lilacs as much as I like purple. Great contrasted against blue sky.
