It's late and I should be fast asleep, but I just dropped Joe back off at his apartment and I'm spending a few minutes winding myself down before turning out the light.
Autumn has finally arrived in upstate NY. We had summer temperatures up until Friday afternoon when the weather decided to take a turn toward winter. Today it was in the forties, down from the eighties earlier in the week. It was a good run with some calling it "the summer that wouldn't end." Fall is going to feel extremely short so I intend to love as much of it as possible while working full time inside.

The week was varied and diverse from weather to sleep patterns to daily activities...
Sunday- church, and then feeling rather sickish, I stopped at Wegmans on my way home for a bit of medicine and some chicken soup which I took home and ate after tucking myself into bed for a long nap.
Monday- work, my step study, and a late night, bare-footed, jammie clad visit to one of my boys.
Tuesday- work, chiropractor, support group meeting
Wednesday- work, and went out with Ben. "
I loved him the moment I first set eyes on him. Tonight he brought me flowers and took me out to dinner in his fancy truck." (Gotta love having grown up boys.)
Thursday- work and a bit of time at the pottery studio
Friday- work and a birthday party for Number Seven. (He four now.)

I went to sleep exhausted Thursday evening, woke up in the middle of the night, and
couldn't go back to sleep. When I finally dozed off, I dreamed it was
light out and the clock read 7:30 am. I was late for work, and of course
couldn't find the number to call in. When I did find it, I dialed wrong
over and over... I was relieved to realize it was all a dream and even more relieved when my alarm went off at the usual time and it was still dark outside. Ha ha!
I had a long snuggle with a sleeping Number Eight at the birthday party Friday night and took Number Nine home with me afterward while his mommy and daddy went to a Homecoming Game out in Williamson. At home Idris played with his new firetruck, we brushed our teeth together, and then I read a few stories before tucking him in for the night. He didn't even cry when I turned out the light and shut the door.
Today I stayed in bed much longer than most mornings, and eventually headed out to the house in Williamson to look through some stacks of boxes and a bit of paperwork. Rachel and I saw our brother, and this evening Joe came over to visit for a while. (Did I tell you I liked having grown up boys?)