Sunday, December 31, 2006
Good Bye to 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Southwestern Snowstorm

Friday, December 29, 2006
The Albuquerque Snow

My other grandparents both died before I had a chance to know them. Grandpa C. died of a heart attack when I was just a year old. I'm told he loved children and enjoyed watching people. He was a practical joker and a stern disciplinarian. Grandma C. went to be with Jesus many, many years before when my own mother was just five years old. I know she loved Jesus and left behind a well used Bible. She struggled with health problems (heart/ lungs) and died of pneumonia in 1940. She left behind four small children.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Not Too Super
Maybe I'll feel more "super" tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Settling in to Winter
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Anticipation, Disappointment, Relief

Friday, December 22, 2006
Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Mistletoe and Holly
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Happy Birthday Priscilla!
When I was just 2 1/2 years old I got a baby sister for Christmas. Today is her 40th birthday so here are 13 random things that you probably already know about Priscilla .
1. Today she's 40, incase you missed that one.
2. Priscilla taught me how to blog.
3. She is a wonderful painter. (Check her art blog)
4. She took me to decorative painting classes 8 years ago.
5. She likes to sleep at my house.
6. She wants to take a vacation somewhere out west.
7. She would love a new digital camera.
8. She's taller than I am but she still looks up to me. (I think)
9. She walks faster than me because I have short fat legs.
10. She wear glasses. (or maybe contacts)
11. She was the tallest one in her 6th grade class.
12. She's not too hot on chile sauce.
13. She is both a big sister and a little sister.
I hope you have a great birthday, Little Sister! From your big sister.
Gotta go now, James and I are going out tonight!
Friday, December 15, 2006
A Holly Jolly September?
Thursday, December 14, 2006
No Snow
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The Stockings Were Hung

We never had Christmas stockings at home when we were small. There were always plenty of gifts under the tree and Mom and Dad made the holiday special with their own traditions. Since Santa Claus didn't visit our house, we always opened our gifts on Christmas eve. Mom and Dad got to sleep a little bit longer Christmas morning and we were able to get up early and admire all the wonderful treasures we received with out having to wait.
When my husband was small Santa always left stockings on Christmas morning. From what I understand there were always oranges and pieces of candy along with whatever else Santa had on hand.
I remember my first Christmas stocking. It was lying at the foot of the bed when I woke up in the morning. We had gone to visit Grandmanita and while we were sleeping Santa had arrived and left us a sock full of goodies. I can't even remember what was in there, that didn't really matter, it was just the fun of receiving a stocking at all. I decided then that it would be a great thing to do with our own kids. Thus began our own Christmas stocking tradition. One year when money was a bit tight, we searched the attic and kitchen drawers and found all kinds of goodies to put in the stockings. We laughed at the looks on the kids faces because everything looked all too familiar. They laughed too and we had a great time. At least the candy was fresh.
When we moved into this house James made me a Shaker peg rack especially for hanging our Christmas stocking. It stays up all year but has nine pegs, one for each stocking. Originally we hung stockings for ourselves and our seven kids. Now that Beth and David are married we have added Adam and Leta, and have nine kids to fill stockings for. So, I am busy looking for candy and trinkets to fill up nine Christmas stockings. If I was really smart I would collect all through the year and have a whole bucket full of loot by the time Christmas came, but alas, I am a slow learner and must do all at the very last minute. Good thing for Walmart and Dollar Stores!
Monday, December 11, 2006
The Tree

Some families have long standing traditions when it comes to the Christmas tree. Maybe they make it a family affair and set off for a tree farm to choose and cut their own tree each year. Possibly they pick out an already cut tree like the boy scouts sell. Maybe they buy a live potted pine that is planted outside after the holidays are past. We've been known, a time or two, to cut a scraggily little evergreen from our own back yard. (I recall Priscilla's horror one year when she saw our "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree.) It's also quite fun to surprise your friends and family by "making" your own "artificial" tree from a log and some fresh cut pine boughs. Sometimes parents, especially grandparents, get tired of the yearly search and decide to go with an artificial tree; no needles to worry about, no watering of the tree, no wondering how to dispose of it afterward.
Yesterday we took a ride to Wilbert's tree farm and walked back to pick out our Christmas tree. It was a bright sunny day with a trace of snow on the ground and lots of mud. We chose a tree that has short needles. It isn't too tall for the ceilings and isn't too big around. It fits nicely in the corner we cleared in the living room. The kids hung the lights and now we are wondering how we have celebrated 25 Christmases together and have so few ornaments. Apparently the gifts underneath were more important than what was hanging on the branches. Ahh, a few dozen candy canes and some fake snow will fill it up quite nicely!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Information Wanted
Friday, December 08, 2006
A Christmas to Remember

Lori made lists and each of us had a family member to buy a gift for. We collected candy and trinkets to make sure each child received a Christmas stocking. We had been assured

I'll always remember Christmas in Colorado, not just because of the stomach bug that swept though the house, the drives up into the mountains, our trip to Focus on the family, or the day we walked through the shops on Pearl Street, but because it was such a special time with family who we don't often see. My children had a chance to meet aunts, uncles, and cousins they had never seen or couldn't remember and we had the special opportunty to be together once again before all the kids grew up and went their separate ways.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Christmasy Stuff

Well, I've ordered a few gifts and am thinking hard on the others. This weekend I'm hoping that we can get a tree and decorate it. Maybe that will help with the "lost" feeling I have had the past couple of weeks. I am always at a loss as to how to get into the Christmas spirit. Sometimes I feel as though I am wandering aimlessly and getting nothing accomplished at all.
My favorite husband put together and installed this mantle last weekend. The house is all decorated for the season and looking quite festive. I know that there are many houses that are lavishly decorated and the air is filled with anticipation but something is still missing. Where is Jesus in all of the excitement? Do they even notice He is missing?
Last year our church had a children's Christmas program. The program itself was very short but they had worked hard ahead of time on learning the parts and songs, painting the backdrops and building the props. Bethany's wedding was somewhat Christmas like too and we also had a Christmas piano recital for Ben and Hannah. They were all holiday happenings to look forward to attending but this year there isn't any children's Christmas program or piano recital so I'm thinking I may have to look around and see if I can find another Christmas celebration to attend. Any good ideas?
Old Man Winter
Hey Priscilla, wanna come over?
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Baking Cookies

Yesterday afternoon I mixed up some dough for cutout cookies. Today we are cutting and baking shapes and tomorrow we will take some time to frost and decorate. Sara, Alysa, and Tyler all have a half day of school and I thought they might enjoy frosting cookies to take home.
This picture is Nathan back when he was about 5 years old and Gramanita did cookies with the kids.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Happy Anniversary!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Cold Weather

After a week of unseasonably warm temperatures, the cold weather is finally moving in. Yesterday we got another dousing of rain and if it gets very cold soon, we'll have a terrific skating rink out back. The wind blew hard all night long and it's rather chilly today but we still don't have any snow.
This afternoon Rachel and I went back out to the Craft and Antique Co-op, finished walking the bottom floor and then stopped at Wendy's for a Frosty. It was a nice relaxed time. I needed a chance to go out and relax with a friend. In this case my friend was also my sister. Thanks Rach, even though neither of us bought anything, it was a productive time for me.
Before heading home I did some shopping at Wegman's where I ran into my friend, Cindy. Funny thing is I had just seen her this morning at the post office where I rarely ever stop. Ever wonder how we can go for years without seeing someone and then run into them over and over in a rather short period of time?
Maybe the Lord is putting us back together after all these years... (Hey Cindy, if you're out there, leave me a comment. )