Thursday, May 16, 2019

Good Gifts

Tonight I am thankful for the group of women God gave me every other Thursday evening. I am slowly getting to know them and they me. We are all wounded and recovering, searching for meaning, and learning to love ourselves. This is the group God gave when He closed the door on my Step Study and the gifts He gives are good.

I continue to sort through files and folders in my mind. This will not surprise those who know me well. God is healing as I work this task, and I am thankful. I hurt deeply, am lonely, and long for connection. Sometimes I fear I have forgotten how to reach out or grow new friendships. I don't always know how rekindle and maintain old ones, but it's not for lack of wanting. I shall climb this mountain too.


  1. Yes you will climb this mountain for sure.
    I can see how the Lord is fine tuning you and will give you the desires of your heart...
    Go through those "files" and be open to what you will find.
    God does provide.

    1. It's been a hard climb so far, but if I will recall, the climb to where I took the photo was also hard. It was a "small" mountain, but still a workout, and the view from the top was magnificent.
      Thank you for your, love, encouragement, and prayers.

  2. You are growing and learning day by day. I know that God will keep pursing you to be as perfect as you can be on this earthly journey. You can do this. xo Diana

    1. Yes, I am. Thank you for joining me on this journey.
