Tuesday, November 01, 2011

P is for Painter

P is for painter.

My friend's husband is an artist. He lives in the Bronx and does most of his painting there. He challenged Hannah and me to come up with ten American painters. I'm afraid that I was at a loss to come up with ten well known American painters. I am rather uneducated in this area... Um, how about Georgia O'Keef? Norman Rockwell?

To see the other participants in the new round of ABC Wednesday, click here!


  1. Grandma Moses? or is that Grandma Jones?
    Benjamin West!!! That one I know for sure.

  2. Me and Painting are mortal enemies.. Every time I try to paint, it makes me look like an idiot...

    Pheno, ABCW team

  3. I can't paint, either.

    Lessee - Grant Wood, Jackson Pollack, Roy Lichenstein, Basquiat,

    BTW, Here's a list.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. I am like you, may be our passion is the computer.

  5. I couldn't come up with ten either. I have always wanted to take art lessons. Someday.....

  6. Roger, that is quite an extensive list...

    Did you know Humphrey Bogart's mother was a painter? She was an inspiration to Dianne Dengel, neither of whom are on the list. But Danny is.

  7. Kristen, I would love to take art lessons... I think. :)

  8. I love to see people painting outdoors - a great photo.

  9. what a wonderful photo - the artist outside

  10. I love Grandma Moses and Norman Rockwell..also like Maxfield Parrish...

  11. Must be wonderful to sit down and paint like that.

  12. Just perfect for P! Late visiting from ABC Wednesday.

    You can find my Presidents of the United States entry through the link. Thanks!

  13. There's another painter that I know and I just can't think of his name tho' I can see his paintings in my mind's eye. Isn't that frustrating?! I'll probably remember it in the middle of the night.
