Sunday, December 12, 2010

Some Very Long Arms

One of the things I find interesting about the little church we have been attending is its heart for missions, especially the heart of the pastor. Eight months ago Pastor and his wife went to Ghana, Africa to visit a ministry the church had been supporting. A month or so later, Pastor went to Kenya. I have lost count of the visiting pastors and missionaries who have visited the church since May. They have come from across the United States and up to Alaska, from India, Africa, and Haiti. Today Pastor Alex shared his story. He had never seen snow before and loves it. He likes to sing and shared a few songs in his native tongue. On Tuesday he will begin his long journey home to Ghana. Still on my heart and in my prayers are Pastor Eliza and his beautiful wife who came from Haiti this fall. They had family working in the orchards here, came north with them from Florida, and stayed for several weeks. One evening Pastor Eliza shared a prayer in Creole. They returned to Haiti just in time for the cholera epidemic. I find myself intrigued by this small, old-fashioned church with some very long arms and a big heart.


  1. My kind of church! I will be visiting you! (Pam)

  2. I love a church with a heart for missions. Isn't that what the Great Commission is all about!!!!

  3. word verification- "heroes"
    Is that cool or what?

    Love you too, Pam!
    And you too, Wanda!
