Sunday, May 02, 2010

Things With Wings

The lilacs are gorgeous and the apple orchards are in full bloom. Along with apple blossoms come the bee boxes and hundreds of honey bees. We walk quietly past the bee boxes and try to maintain a safe distance while in the orchard. Occasionally a bee will buzz over the top of our heads as we walk along. The bees find not only apple trees alluring, but are very happy to buzz about my lilac bushes. I climbed atop the doghouse the other day, not only because the roof was nice and warm, but to catch a fee bees in my "trap".

I also caught a few butterflies in my "digital net". They fluttered about and made quite the game of staying out of my clutches. Maybe this is actually a moth, but it moved it's wings very much like a butterfly would, and rested with them pressed together over it's body. It had a friend too with orange markings. I'm not much of a lepidopterologist but I do find the little creatures fascinating.


  1. I sure enjoyed your "Things with Wings.... So delicate so beautiful!

  2. lepidopterologist ...LOL! Say that three times fast! Lovely shots!

  3. lepidopterologist... Love your choice of words Mom...
