Tuesday, June 09, 2009

A Long Distance Tea

Yesterday I received a package in the mail. This is really very exciting because rarely does a package come with my name unless I have ordered something and that is usually school books. School books are fun (sometimes...), but not typically what I would call exciting.

So anyway, I returned home from doing laundry to find a package waiting my arrival. It was sitting patiently on the top step by my back door. It came all the way from Florida. I smiled as I picked it up and headed in the house.

The sender had wrapped the box in several layers of clear packing tape. I looked for something to cut through it and found a screwdriver handy. Inside, wrapped in newspaper, were two beautiful tea cups and two saucers from my dear friend, Ann.

Years ago, when she lived nearby, we shared many cups of tea both at her home and mine. Our children played while we talked and laughed. Though she is now far away, a cup of tea still brings her face to my mind. I hear her voice, her laugh, and I miss her.

I love you, Ann! Thank you for the lovely tea cups. Does anyone care to join us for a spot of tea? Would you like a cookie with yours? What kind? I think I'll take molasses.


  1. molasses sounds good, no cream, no sugar, no lemon, thank you.

  2. I will take mine with one lump please, no cookies!

    What beautiful cups and what a dear friend you have.

  3. Just a half a teaspoon of sugar please, and a molasses cookie sounds great!

  4. Yum, shall I join the two of you and your spot of tea? Or shall I play noisily on the playground with the boys?

  5. oh man, that is fantastic
    what a great friend!

  6. I'll have a cup of apple tea with a spot of honey please! Oh, and only chocolate chip for this gal! Thanks for the offer!
