What an unusual day! I woke before the sunshine this morning. The clock read 3:53 am. The birds were still asleep and all was dark and still. My eyes wanted to stay shut, my body was sleepy and relaxed, the covers were warm, but my husband was getting out of bed. We took our showers and got dressed. His scheduled flight to San Francisco yesterday afternoon was canceled due to poor weather in Chicago. We had run our errands and arrived at the airport on time yesterday only to return home together. Better to be stranded at home than in a far away airport, especially alone. We spent last evening together and the first hours of today, our 28th wedding anniversary. We had walked across the parking lot and into the airport on dry pavement, the eastern sky glowing orange as the sun made it's way into the morning sky. I kissed him goodbye at the security entrance and walked back to my van as the rain began to fall.
It has been a dark and gloomy day. I even went back to bed for an hour after returning home but the ringing of the phone woke me at 8 o'clock. I went for a haircut at ten. The house has been quiet and still, nobody home but me all day. The kids are out at a youth event. I lit a fire in the wood stove to take the dampness out of the air and lit two candles that I bought at Hobby Lobby on my way home from my haircut this morning. I should be cleaning the house, but instead I am enjoying the silence.
James called from California around 2:30 to let me know he had arrived safe and was with his sister. I pray they have a good weekend together, enjoy each others company, and are a blessing to their dad who is struggling to gain back his health and mobility after surgery and a heart attack. Prayers are appreciated. James is scheduled to fly back home on Monday.
Happy Anniversary, Martha. I hope the rest of your day remains peaceful.
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary. and prayers for Jame's family of course.
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary to you and your husband, Martha!! As you might remember, we also celebrate 28 years today.. Our Church has a youth conference this weekend, and my daughter Susan asked if Bill and I would watch her almost 7 mo. Will for the evening, so that she and her husband could go to the evening meeting. Of course, we said yes, who would pick going out to dinner or something over being with a grandchild??? We went to her house, where he goes to bed much nicer, so at least we did go out! And we picked up some slices of pizza on the way for dinner..
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it's nice that your husband can visit his dad, hopefully it's a good time for him. And congratulations on 28 years.. even though it's no small feat, doesn't it seem natural with God?
Thank you, Cheryl, and Happy 28th anniversary to you too! I can't imagine spending my years with anyone else but James. With God, it does seem very natural. He is the One who makes it possible.
ReplyDeleteTracy, thanks. It was a very peaceful day indeed! As a matter of fact, it was entirely peaceful.
Judi, thank you to you too. Prayers are much appreciated.