Thursday, December 11, 2008

Reading a Book... or Two

...and every day a post or two...
Every once in a while I decide to pick up on an old pastime. As a little girl I loved to read. I read mostly fiction and could often be found curled up one the end of the couch for hours engrossed in a book. I read Little House books until I knew Laura and Mary like they were my best friends. I read animal stories and cried like a baby when the sad parts came. I had a hard time putting a good book down and sometimes sneaked a flashlight under my covers at night so I could keep reading. (How can a girl sleep when she doesn't know how it ends?) Much of my love of books, of course, comes from parents who read to me when I was small, bought us books every Christmas, and who could also often be found with a book in their hands.
Lately my eyes are tired. I have been reading again. I am slowly making my way through "The Road to Reality" by K.P. Yohannan. This is a book which challenges my beliefs and calls me to a deeper walk with Jesus. It is not a book to read in just a day or two. The other book, "Marley and Me" by John Grogan, I picked up at the library the other day. Not only does it have large print but it is an easy read. It has brought tears to my eyes and made me laugh too. I can only imagine what is in store for the lucky couple who adopted this pup. By the time I am done reading these books I will be seriously considering making an appointment with the optometrist. I really need new glasses!
Oh, and I have enjoyed walking the past two days, half an hour yesterday and 20 minutes so far today. We have a new treadmill and I plan to walk the winter away!


  1. Lately I haven't been reading anything like that. I just read my history book and write about history, sociology (blah), and english papers. It's boring at times.

  2. This too shall pass. One day you will be writing your own books for people to enjoy. Think of the fun that will be. :)

  3. The Road to Reality is such a good book. It is indeed very challenging and makes you look at everything quite differently. I'm glad you are reading it.

  4. Not much to say here as you already know my passion for reading. Yes go get your eyes checked! The world looks so much better when you can see clearly.

  5. Oh, give me a good book and just watch the house slip into ruins! I am one of those stay-up-'til-the-dawn devourers, I cannot take more than a few days to read a book. I too loved the Laura Ingalls Wilder books as a child. Our library had just some of them. So when Emily was in kindergarten, and brought home the book order, and I found out there were a whole series, which could be purchased for only $19.99, I was thrilled. I bought the set and read the whole thing right up. I especially like Farmer Boy. And everyone should read The Long Winter. It will make anyone thankful for heat and food.
    I am glad to hear you got a treadmill!! It has helped me so much to keep the "caged in" feelings at bay.

  6. Uhh, I just saw a movie trailer yesterday for a movie called Marley and Me. It's the same story I guess. I was wondering when I saw the trailer where I had heard the name before, now I know.,10232836-1000-flash-s.73391172-,10232836-300-flash-s.73391164-,10232836-300-wmv-s.73391157-,10232836-700-flash-s.73391169-,10232836-700-wmv-s.73391160-,10232836-1000-wmv-s.73391161-,10232836-100-flash-s.73391163-,10232835-2700-qtv-s.73391173-,10232835-6800-qtv-s.73391174-,10232835-10300-qtv-s.73391176-

    Wow, that's long
