Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Winter's Day or Two

Winter has decended upon us with a relentless ferocity. Wind, rain, sleet, snow, white outs, and subzero temperatures... This is winter like I remember it as a child; frigid with tons of snow.

Yesterday Hannah and I headed out into the weather to do some shopping. The dog food bag was running on empty and I wanted to pick up some last minute grocery items for Christmas. I think everyone within a twenty mile radius was trying to do the same. It was the shopping center parking lots and intersections that were the craziest! Took us nearly twenty minutes just to get out of one parking lot and into another. I'm sure some people were angry and impatient, but I found it incredibly amusing. We turned up the Christmas tunes on the radio and decided it was best to keep smiling.
Today have a temperature of 21 degrees with a windchill of -1. No playing out in the snow today. We stopped by Dave and Leta's place to drop off a dinner on our way home from church and ended up staying for lunch. Dave had two bags of cooked spaghetti that he wanted to use up, so we kicked off our shoes and took turns holding the baby. He sure is a cutie!


  1. Well where are the new baby pictures? ;) I can't wait to see him in person. I am bringing them their Tuesday meal, so I'll get to hold him then. :)
    I'm glad you kept smiling through the shopping chaos yesterday. Did you hear that there was a 3 hour traffic jam at Eastview Mall. I'll bet I would not have been smiling if I was stuck in that. I was in a traffic jam on Monroe Ave, but it was probably 20-30 minutes which was what I had expected. It's best to maintain a positive attitude!

  2. Oh my my Martha ~~ you are not going to like my Monday Show and Tell!!!

    I love your attitude of turning up the Christmas Music and making the best of a irritating situation.

    Yes.... more picture of the new babe, please!!

  3. yea, when ya get lemons, Think hot cider! We are snowed in, brother no eletric, Paul stranded here, T. stranded there and may not get here for Christmas. But I keep thinking cider!
