Saturday, September 06, 2008

Flying the Friendly Skies

This morning we headed out to Webster to say goodbye to Jim. His plane was scheduled to fly out of Buffalo at 2 pm and he had an almost 2 hour drive from here to reach the airport. We gave him hugs, kissed him goodbye, and waved as he drove off. Tonight the phone rang. I picked it up and read Jim's cell phone number in the caller ID box. "Hello?" I said. I heard my son's familiar voice on the other end. He was smiling a little when he told me he was calling from Kentucky. "Kentucky?" I asked. Ahh, one never really knows where they will end up when flying across the country. Jim's plane was late taking off at the Buffalo airport resulting in him missing his connecting flight in Cincinnati. "But Cincinnati is in Ohio," I ventured. He laughed, "But Kentucky is just across the river." Yes, I knew that. I have driven through Cincinnati several times on my way west or south. The airline put him up in a hotel just across the state line and so he is spending the night in Kentucky. If only we had known, or he had made his flight plans in Rochester, we could have kept him for another day.


  1. Poor Jim, and poor you guys too.

    For some reason, I thought his plane was leaving this morning. I wish we could've seen him more, but I know the family is big and busy.

  2. What a great adventure for Jim! God gives us so many wonderful adventures, if we just look at them in a positive light as I am sure you do.

  3. Yes, Gmj, and he is growing in the process. We had a good week and look forward to next time.

  4. Sorry if I sounded negative gmj, I was only agreeing with Martha's last sentence of her post.

  5. Ya just never know where God'll send ya in this life.

  6. Poof Rachel! You are not negative!
    Pffttt... You are a great sister and respond as such, Martha knows I have to look up and on the bright side or I will slide down the hill. I am in the grieving process of loosing my mom two months ago. and because I have a grown kid I can relate to it is so hard to let go of your children and let them grow. She gives me positive nudges all the time. :D

  7. Oh bummer! It would have been nice to have one more day with Jimmy. Did he make it home safe and sound???

  8. Yes, Heather, he did. His Facebooks says "Jim is back in good ol' Minnesota." Facebook is nice for finding short blips of news.

  9. I agree, Martha. I like being able to do a quick "catch-up" with people on Facebook. Blogging is a bit deeper.

  10. farewells are always hard (at least when you love the person that leaves ;-))

  11. Yes, they are ,Gudl, but I didn't cry this time. I could cry, cause I do love and miss him, but I don't want to cry every time he comes home.

    I imagine it was hard to see Heidi go too.
