Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Gray Kind of Day

Gray and dreary. These two words describe our weather the past few days and likely the next few as well. It feels like fall except that the leaves are still green. I reach for long sleeves and a sweatshirt most mornings and find that I am much less likely to venture outside the house. I'm waiting for the sun to come out from behind the heavy laden clouds which hover low in the sky, but fear my wait may last several days more. The dampness makes me long for a fire in the wood stove and a cup of something hot to drink.


  1. It is not much better a few miles west. Today is the day I came out of my denial. It's no longer August, and it is getting colder. But I love fall, so let's hope the sun turns things blue again!

  2. Sounds like the weather we've been having here for the last few days although actually turned out to be a nice day. Started out a little chilly but the sun actually came out so that warmed things up a little.

  3. It is chilly in the mornings here also. I love it, I and relish my walks in the morning when I can "see my breath". The sun comes out in the afternoons. I am enjoying this spell before the rains hit.

  4. It's cooling off here in Minnesota too. I am looking forward to cozy sweaters and blankets, and hot comfort foods. I am trying not to think about the cold.

  5. No, Sherri, it isn't August anymore, in fact in just a few hours it won't even be September anymore.

    Vicki, I'm glad to hear you are getting a little sunshine. We had about ten minutes of it this afternoon. (That is you, right?)

    Judi, chilly is one thing, soggy is another.

    Kristina, I'm trying not to think about the cold too.

  6. Yes, you're right...it's me...Vicki. =) Glad you were able to get a little bit of sun in an otherwise dreary day.
