Monday, June 05, 2006

Just Mow-seyin' Along

I spent the better part of today riding the lawn tractor. Since Nathan is in Florida with James and Josiah works all day, I figured it was up to me to get the lawn mowed this week. It was an all day job and now I am tired. I forgot how tiring bouncing around on a tractor all day can make you. As a reward for getting the job done, I now have a nice sunburn, even on my shoulders. (I'm trying to get rid of that farmer's tan.)

Hmmm... is there anything else worth writing about? Well, my garden is growing! I am trying hard to keep it watered and so almost all of the seeds I planted have sprouted, beans (green and yellow), radishes, and I think the beets are just beginning to show too. It's hard to tell those tiny plants from the weeds but if I let them grow up together, I will soon know which are my vegetables and which are the imposters! Remind you of anything?


  1. Are there any gourds in your garden?

  2. Not yet... just a bunch of weeds and a few vegetables.

  3. Ahh, wait! Now I understand. I had to read my own post again before I realized why you wrote that. :)
