Monday, August 31, 2015

Full Moon Going Down

Pete popped a medicine cup in his mouth and chewed it up while Filly chewed on the blanket. Ricky called out, "Are you there?" and LeeLee answered. "Yes." GiGi called out "Hello..." for the millionth time, and Sandy Man attempted to scootch himself out of the chair. Residual effects of the full moon, I'm sure.

Not all was well in Rochester, NY this morning. An entire truckload of fresh cabbages was dumped on the main thoroughfare. I-490 a few miles east of downtown was covered in cole slaw, both lanes, east and west. There just might be a slight shortage of sauerkraut this fall. I can't imagine what it was like trying to drive through there...

I couldn't resist adding a few more pictures of the cabbage spill compliments of the news paper.


  1. Replies
    1. The driver suffered minor injuries. I don't think the cabbages made out quite so well.

  2. I'll start the pulled pork, you pick up the buns, and we have plenty of cold slaw for a party. HaHa

    1. Sounds like a deal, Wanda!
      I'm getting hungry.

  3. What a mess that cabbage was. Cole slaw anyone?

    1. Yeah, a terrible mess! I can only imagine the stink that might make.
      PS. Thanks for stopping by. It's been a long time, Michele.
