Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Peter Piper...

... picked a peck of pickled peppers.

We didn't grow much in the way of vegetables or flowers this time around. A couple of us were distracted by other things. However, we did manage to set a couple dozen pepper plants which are yielding their harvest. Sunday evening Grandpa and the boys went out to pick a few. Even though they aren't keen on eating them, they did enjoy the picking part.


  1. Nice!♥️
    Enjoy your day!
    Gloomy and cooler here...
    Gonna pick up Miss V...that will brighten things up!
    Linda :o)

    1. Ah, yes! Little smiles from little people always make a day brighter.
      Hope you got a whole bouquet!

  2. Grandpa's truly have a role, with the little ones, and then as they grow. We are loving our relationship with our adult grandchildren and hoping our influence will help to mold them. It's a lifelong job...Love you Martha. Hugs.

    1. I was blessed to watch James interact with the boys on Sunday afternoon. Simon spent hours helping Grandpa load split logs into the trailer.

      I love you too, Wanda. Thank you for being a friend.

  3. Nice memories they are building. I still remember digging for potatoes with Grandma in her backyard in East Rochester. I have only a few real personal memories with her. This is one of them.

    1. I remember Grandma growing potatoes too. Maybe that's why I always have this unfulfilled desire to grow a potato patch of my own. She was great with vegetables and flowers. Kind of wish I'd inherited her thumb.
