Monday, May 16, 2011

Raindrops Keep Falling

It is a mud puddle kind of day. The grass is soggy, the back porch is drenched, and the driveway is muddy. The girls took umbrellas to school and the boys wore boots out to the bus stop. Too bad boots don't keep pant legs from getting wet and muddy... Ah, well, good thing for washing machines.

I know that we have had too much rain. The farmers are struggling and will continue to struggle with their crops. People complain about the Rochester weather and threaten to move, but there is so much to be grateful for...

#724 Firewood on the back porch (Yes, I know it's mid-May, but hey, who doesn't love a fire in the wood stove on a cold and dreary day?)
#725 The trench is working and the lake in the yard can only get so big. (See yesterday's post)
#726 Afternoon nap listening to rain fall on the roof (I love sleeping when its raining.)
#727 A husband and daughter willing to go out for a few groceries on a wet and windy day

Today we are playing in the house. No chasing small children away from the road or out of the flower gardens. No dog poop on the bottom of shoes. Life's not too bad.

1000 Gifts


  1. Thanks for this post. Yes, there is SO much to be thankful for, even when we have had way too much rain. Our basements aren't flooded and our houses aren't under water, and we are warm. I have decided to use this day to get much accomplished here. I will also be making a quick trip to the grocery store for some fruit, and some makings for potato soup for dinner.

  2. By the way, cute pictures of the kids in the rain!

  3. What a blessing our lists are. And I love reading other friends list to see how God blesses us to individually.

    Martha, I think a picture book with just captions of your "Flower Garden" would be a best seller!!

    Love and Hugs

  4. Stopping by from Ann's. Thanks for sharing your list. My favorite: A nap while it's raining. I love sleeping when its raining too.

  5. Thanks for sharing. Love # 726 also.

  6. Their tiny umbrellas are so sweet!
    It's cold and rainy here, too!

  7. Mother Nature sure has been confused this year. I am glad to see you are making the most of dreary weather, making memories.
