Monday, September 11, 2006

"You Have How Many Kids?!"

Adam and Bethany (20), Josiah (18), Leta and Dave (22), Nathan (16), Jim (almost 25),
Ben (12) and Hannah (11)
And here they are a few years back. (Eleven to be exact.)


  1. They are lovely kids! Michelle

  2. Wow! 2 sets of twins! Imagine that! (just kidding!)

  3. I know I'm tired to today but I'm pretty sure there are more than 7 kiddos in that picture. Who are the extras? And you've had two sets of twins. Whew...I struggled with just one set. ;) Great pic!

  4. Adam is married to Bethany and Leta is married to Dave. I guess that means we're up to nine kids now! The family just keeps getting bigger :)

    Vicky, the thought of twins always scared me a little bit. I'm not sure how you did it, but I'll bet it was fun. For a while people thought Ben and Hannah were twins, now they just think he's the little brother. Poor guy!

  5. What a handsome group of youngsters.

    If you DID have 2 sets of twins, they could almost make a TV show about you. :o)

  6. Vicki, I was only kidding about the twins.

  7. I think Vicki was just kidding too.

  8. Martha - fantastic - it's all making more sense to me now!!!!

    What a beautiful family - what a gift it is to have children.

    Thanks for the introduction.

  9. Oh! It is so hard to tell on computers and when you don't know someone.

  10. I thought Adam was older than Bethany.????

  11. I was really just listing the ages of my own kids. It just happens that Dave and Leta are both 22.

    Trying to keep things simple sure can be complicated!

  12. I love the earlier pic. How much they've all changed...guess 11 yrs will do that. LOL

    And LOL first I thought there were 2 sets but then I realized Martha was just listing the ages of her kiddos.

    Martha - having twins was/is definitely fun but they are soooo much work that first year. They are still work but at least they are independant now. =)

  13. Just realized I don't even know how to type my own name. LOL Guess you would have figured out that last post.

  14. Hey, that is when I first met all of you!
