Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Another Photo

Today is a day of mixed sun and clouds, maybe another good day for a walk if you watch out for the mud puddles. When ever I take my camera into the orchard, I can't resist taking pictures of the apples hanging there. They are so pretty. (That's our barn that you see in the background. It looks as though it's smack dab in the middle of the trees, but it's really across the street.)

The weather is in the process of changing. The weatherman says a cold front is moving in and bringing some rain along with the cooler temperatures. Does that mean I will be able to accomplish "in the house" tasks or will it just make me feel sleepy? I'm not sure, but hopefully I will be able to get something accomplished. I have a closet that desparately needs to be cleaned... a floor that needs to be washed... and some crafts that need to be painted... and then there's always school... Ahh, maybe I'll just pray for more sunshine!


  1. You will feel sleepy, very sleepy. And while you are sleeping I will ask for a cookie.

  2. ... and Moms always say "yes" when they are really sleepy...

  3. I know. Actually I heard on "Focus On The Family" that that is a very common thing for kids who are the "random/abstract" personality type to do. They know just the right time to ask for something.

    This may be why I'm still single.
