Friday, September 08, 2006

It was much too nice to stay inside the house today so we made sure to get out in the sunshine and get some fresh air. Another benefit of home schooling.


  1. It was beautiful! Unfortunately I was feeling yuck... I decided I had 3 choices -

    1. I could clean the house.
    2. I could go for a bike ride and hope that makes me feel better.
    3. I could take some drugs and a nap and sleep off the yuck feeling.

    So, which did I do? Bonus question... did it work???

  2. #3 I'm guessing it didn't help too much.

  3. Yeah I'm guessing #3 and I don't think it worked.

  4. You cleaned the house and felt much better after that!


  5. We so love that benefit to homeschooling too although since I work, I usually jealous when I get a call in the office saying they've gone outside to play.

  6. I worked for someone today, but it was a beautiful day.

    Shelly, I'm guessing #2. And no it didn't work. I was sick on Labor day and thought that maybe if I forced myself to leave the house and do something, I would feel better. I tried school shopping (for clothes) with the kids, and I felt like I was going to DIE!

  7. we've had marvellous weather here too.

    Martha - I am constantly confused by your photos...which ones are your children?? How old are your children??

    I am still hoping to homeschool someday - it sounds hardwork - but great.

  8. Ruth, I'm sorry for the photo confusion. I often put old photos on my blog, photos from when I was younger. That's me in the bed looking sleepy but the picture is probably 38 years old. Sometimes I also add photos of my son's nieces (Alysa and Sara) or Priscilla's children. I'll try to do better in my explainations of who is who.

  9. So - who was in the swing in this photo??

    Thanks for the photos at the top of the page Martha. I really love seeing all your photos - I love people's photos - one of my favourite things to look at when I go visit people.

  10. The little guy in the swing is Troy. He's the one I'm babysitting. His mother teaches school.

  11. Okay... I guess I'm a little behind the game! :) So, to answer my own question... I should know by now that taking drugs and a nap NEVER works - but it sounds so good a the moment that I usually cave. And that is what I did. Usually, if I take a bike ride I feel soooo much better but it is much harder to make yourself do that when you feel so yuck.
