Sunday, September 10, 2006

Things That Go Bump in the Night

I went to bed very tired on Saturday night. Going to bed very tired means one of two things, either I will sleep like a rock or for some unknown reason I will not be able to sleep. The night started out with a fly, the loud buzzing kind. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... It flew around our room before we turned out the light. When the light went out, so did the fly, until his eyes got used to the dark. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Just about when I was falling asleep, James turned on the light and found something to swat that fly with. Meeeooow! Meeeooow! A cat outside making itself known. Auuggghhh! Auuggghhh! A red fox screaming her awful scream. (At least I know what it is now. I used to think something was dying!) I don't even know what kind of noise the next one was but it sounded something like a loon. Needless to say, the country is not always quiet at night. At least there weren't any sprayers out in the orchard!


  1. I used to hear a fox at night when we lived out on Emerson Rd. It did sound quite horrifying! I never knew what it was until I just read your blog. We would see fox all the time out in the fields behind our house in the early morning or in the evening. At night we would hear these terrifying screams. I'm guessing that's what they must have been.

    Nope...the country isn't always peaceful. Another friend of mine has trouble sleeping on summer nights because she hears her cows chewing all night long. They roam in the pasture just across the yard from her bedroom window. I hope you have a more peaceful night tonight.

  2. I love the sounds of frogs and crickets, the rain on the roof and the wind in the trees. I like to hear the leaves rustling and now that I know what it is, the sound of a fox doesn't make my skin crawl anymore.
