Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Picnics and Partings

Yesterday was Memorial Day and we had a gathering of friends and family for a picnic. There were sausages and salads, hotdogs and hamburgers, jello, watermelon, cookies... more food than 30 people could eat. I thought maybe we would have a nice relaxed game of croquet or bocce ball but instead there was a wild and crazy water balloon fight. No surprise, it was ninety degrees and besides, water wars have always been a popular picnic sport. There was also a game of football and a lot of visiting. Rachel fed watermelon and peanuts to the dogs and I tried to take pictures but wasn't very successful. After the crowd thinned out and it started to cool down, James started a fire and we roasted some marshmallows with Becky and her kids. We tried singing some campfire songs but only Becky and I were singing. The others were looking at us funny and didn't bother to help us out at all so after a little while we gave up too.

This morning James and Nathan took off for a job in Florida. They'll be gone for about two weeks and so the rest of us are on our own for a while. I am already looking forward to their return. Somehow I just didn't want them to leave at all this time.


  1. I commented on the picnic on your previos blog. It was really nice.
    I'm sorry you'll be without 2 very important men in your life for 2 weeks, that must be tough. Give me a call if you want to do something.

  2. it was a fun day! Thanks again!

  3. Hey, who is that handsome guy in black in the photo?

  4. Sounds like you all had a good time! :) As you know we spent the day in urgent care - no fun at all!!! :(
