Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Martha's Day Out

Today I met my friend Cindy and we went out to lunch. We spent hours just talking, laughing and reminiscing. Cindy's parents were neighbors of my parents when we were very small. In elementary and jr. high school we attended the same church, and once we went to summer camp together. Then somehow we drifted apart. We've missed out on so many years that our kids don't even know each other. My kids were asking me where I knew her from and I've known her all my life! Anyway, it was a wonderful break from my usual routine and we're looking forward to getting together again. Maybe next time we visit that little diner on Main Street here in town.


  1. How nice that you two got together! It's sad that we often drift apart from those we grew up with and share so many fond memories with.

  2. It is nice to see old friends. I often wonder how Birgit is.

  3. Glad you had a day out!! Sounds like you had fun. Good for you!

  4. That is great. There are a few childhood friends I would like to see again.

  5. I was wondering why you didn't visit the little diner... Guess you can't go there all the time.

  6. How fun! It is so very easy to lose track of old friends... And so sad!!
