Saturday, April 21, 2007

Man the Pumps!

More flowers! They are popping out all over the place and I am cleaning out the gardens as fast as I can. Soon it will be time to put in another vegetable garden. Mmmmm, yummy!
The last two days have been absolutely gorgeous! Sunshine definitely gives me some extra ambition and I feel so much better! I'm so glad the Lord sent us plenty of sun this weekend.

We have been pumping water out of the backyard for the past couple of days and our lawn is slowly emerging from the depths. The grass is surprisingly green after months of being submerged. Good bye Teal Lake! (I probably should have dubbed it Teal Swamp, maybe that would have given a better discription of what it would become if we didn't pump the water.) I can hardly wait to get out the lawn tractor!


  1. Your flowers are beautiful! we don't have any yet.

  2. What a gorgeous day!! I can tell your swamp is getting smaller, how exciting!

  3. yep, bye Teal Lake, you want to start that farmer's tan don't cha?

  4. Wonderful pictures Martha, I love the reflections in the "lake" Thanks,

  5. Hurrah, Spring has sprung!

  6. It's fun to see the "lake" slowly disappear. Progress is being made!

  7. YAY! After months and months of ice and snow it is nice to see spring.

  8. Ug... We didn't even get to go swimming :(
