Thursday, April 18, 2013

New Hair

Today was haircut day. It was a low-key kind of appointment with the daughter of a childhood friend. Amanda's mom is also my husband's cousin, but that only makes things confusing to explain... Rather than go into the shop where she works, I met Amanda at home on her day off. Conversation was casual and relaxed. Very nice. I think I even liked the fact that there was no mirror staring back at me the entire haircut. That girl int he mirror can make me a little uneasy sometimes and she is my worst critic.

I like my new haircut. It still has plenty of length, and I can pull it back into a barrette if I want to. It's just slightly layered and my long bangs go off to the left side of my face. Pretty simple, but fresh and new. We'll see if I can make it look the same tomorrow morning.

I think I may have found myself a new hair stylist. The only problem is paying her. She says she always cuts hair free for family. I didn't intend to go away without paying her, but she did suggest that perhaps I could make her a pie, a chocolate pie. Sounds like a good deal to me, and just maybe I'll find a nice gift card to go along with it.


  1. Very nice! I can never get it to look like the hairdresser does it.

    1. I always have a barrette to fall back on. :)

  2. Great cut...and all for a pie!!!
    I think I'd rather pay...than bake a pie!!!
    I go to my neighbour behind me...
    She works at a salon 2 days a week...and cuts at home the other 3...It is pretty reasonable...$20 for a cut...$40 for cut and hi-lites...only problem...SHE DOESN"T LISTEN!!! The back is never the way I want it...
    I haven't been since the middle of January...been cutting and coloring myself...Guess I'll have to give in, and go for a trim...GEESH!!!...I am so picky about my hair...

    Oh is only hair...and it will grow back!!
    I think that your looks lovely and thick...I am not so lucky!!!

    Linda :o)

  3. It looks beautiful!

  4. I love the new haircut!!! Enjoy your trip and the wedding!!!! Praying for everything to be wonderful!
