Thursday, September 08, 2011

Two Small Boys

Today found me sitting on the living room floor with two small boys. AC has decided I should be kept in his range of sight. He doesn't cry if I'm not, but if I walk away he will come find me, take me by the hand, and lead me to wherever it is he wants to be. He is pretty sure my lap is a good spot to sit, especially if I am sitting on the floor. AJ was content to crawl about, pull himself up on the furniture, climb into laundry baskets, and taste toys. I scarcely remember when I spent more time sitting on the floor than I did today. It was a good day and I remembered to enjoy the moment for once.


  1.'s always more fun to sit in the toy basket that to play with the toys! :)

  2. I'll have to agree with you there. :)
